la vita e bella: Carla's story

...She looked enchanted at the landscape, full of the pure joy of the baby girl that had arrived in the world in a linear time, probably 2 years and 2 months ago.

The contemplative admiration for the beauty of the little princess, fashionably dressed with an intense pink frock and little raw-green shoes in elegant contrast with the pink, knee-length stockings … all these details … seduced Carla.

The diaphanous crystal child was a perfect reflection of the vision that was her mother.

Does she know that the child chose her to be her mother? And that her unfulfilled dreams can not be projected on the little one? Does she know that the girl has her personality and gifts?

Will she allow the little girl to become what she will choose to? Will she allow her to choose to do what she will love … maybe to paint, or sing, or play the piano?
Or will she implement on the young soul her unsuccessful dream of becoming a doctor by stating that only by having medical studies could she be truly happy? But would the child be happy in that way, or only the mother?

Does it matter what the little girl feels? What she likes? … Either way, the young ones always have a strategy, a way of succeeding.

Youths often isolate themselves in the world of dreams, in the world of imagination, in order to get away from imposing parents.

This is where they explore, expand and create simple, but real, dreams. And maybe they become rebels.

Therefore, this is simply a form of protest. It has and will always be a form of protest. Nonetheless, this has generated a conflict between generations.

There are only a few parents who respect themselves and their children. They are the wise and relaxed parents who have trust not only in themselves, but in their offspring as well.

These thoughts and every single detail of those charming moments were anchoring Carla there, in that cherry flower-filled park and blessed silence of nature.

She loved children. She didn’t have any children, nor did she want to. She loved all the divine, little, innocent, full of truth angels. She felt as though she was the Mother of them all. That was her feeling sometimes.

She will be a mother, and a divine one at that, if and when she will choose and feel to be a mother. She knew that very well and, thus, was enjoying every moment of her life.

33 years, linear time … but even at 80 she will celebrate life in elegant green costumes. This is what she wants: a serene old age, without the concept of sufferance … only radiant wisdom.

Now, enjoying the pleasure of cigarette sheets with Cuban flavor of vanilla, she leaned against the tree, standing directly on the grass… even if the elegant business costume Zara wasn’t in concordance with her desire to feel the green grass.

She always felt intuitive with regards as to what to do. She smiled upon seeing the reactions of those around her. For her rules don’t matter, they just amuse her.

She was the Empress of her Kingdom. Always!

Carla remembered her happy childhood, forever filled with love, care, gifts and surprises.

In her childhood, she made visions of magic. Her powerful imagination and her desire to have something helped her to bring them into reality. A small magic world.

She remembered how a friend had once brought along a coloured toy, in the form of a dolphin, to play with. It was something new for her, for she knew only of gold butterflies and other toys. It was then that she said: ‘I have one, as well, in the form of a dolphin, but even more beautiful.’ , although she didn’t have one.

She had wanted the toy very much and so, she created it. And in that same day she received a dolphin-shaped toy from her mother, who had been out shopping.

Very happy, Carla received the gift with the strong belief that a good fairy had made another little bit of magic.

‘The world is a magical place.’ she thought then… infinite and full of meaning in her innocent eyes.

She traveled a lot in the infinite world, finding that it was, nonetheless, finite.

Peru, INDIA, Tibet, Egypt, BRAZIL, Istanbul, Greece, Cuba, Taos, Africa … the planet was already her friend. These fascinating places resembled a dream.

She remembered the pleasure of the moment in which she heard the laughter of the little girl playing with forms of sacred geometry nearby, in the sand.

She then explored her life. Travels. She loved to travel. Quantum Psychology is her passion. And the people … she adored to see how existential fears were swept away, thanks to the sacred space created within herself with trust … God and Infinite Intelligence of the Goddess Within.

The Matrix from a corporate environment and management area had been around her for 12 years, but she chose differently. She chose a particular freedom to be. She allowed herself to be different.

And with that thought in mind she trained herself to just be. She allowed herself to be unique and to bring an unique vision into the world.

After she succeeded in doing that, she offered this freedom to others. And it easily spread around. Then it was easy to stand back and observe the people, especially the ones who are still held back by their own fears, who allow fears to still play with their lives. But she easily learned to allow them to have a view different from hers.

Also, by allowing herself this freedom, the brightness from the connection with her own truth aligned with the resonance law.

Smiling, she defied unwritten rules.

She smiled gratefully at the thought of true love in this live and at the thought of the lovers who left her breathless.

It was then that she had a flashback to the time when she got married among spring flowers. The marriage had only lasted for 8 months and was quite unhappy.

Now, however, due to her experience she is able to inspire those around her, to encourage them and to advise the unhappy ones with regards to their relationships.

Now, she is happy and successful because she chose not to compromise or to claim anyone as her own.

She discovered that, apart from it being a very brave thing to do, following her heart helped her to make a difference.

Even now she is making a difference and sweeping the rigid mass-consciousness.

The divorce is an old and very deeply rooted human drama. It is the same as death. But it is time for the new to step forward. It is time to look upon experiences with different eyes and to learn the teachings hidden inside them.

‘My beloved angel, there is a mind story that says that for love to be true, your lover has to keep on loving you all the time of your life... Life is changing. All the time. Feelings are changing, all the time.

We are changing all the time. Please remember this and accept. In this way it will be more easy to create a true and easy life for you.

Please remind yourself to feel love and hold no one from past to you..or any part of the past .

If a friend or your lover wants to leave you? Allow them to do what they feel to do. Offer them a good-bye hug.

Honor them. Honor them. Everyone is entitled to live the lives they choose, with or without you.

There is no limits, rules for love, there is no betrayal. LIFE IS.

The pain of heart heal. all the time. please, do not regret the fact that they do. You learned something new, very valuable. You thought that your happiness came from somewhere or someone outside of you. This is not true.

You have all the love inside of you. You are the precious gift of Love inside you, deep in your Heart.

You know that your happiness depends on you. Please let go of those limited thoughts. My angel, beauty angel, enjoy life, a truly precious gift!

Please take a look at the stars on the night you see the brilliant sparkling in the simple way that creators do? My beloved daughter enjoy life and simple truth and simple things, breath in the life, joy, simple way to be, clarity, love "

Yes … Carla remembered through her tears the wise teachings of her lovely grandmother.

Celebrate freedom! Choose personal freedom and celebrate the separation in unsuccessful couples.

Party whenever someone learns about personal value and when they do not compromise themselves by staying in a relationship that makes them feel uncomfortable and unhappy.

Carla also remembered the total let go of everything … the new house, the nice car of an indigo colour, the gift from her marriage, the land, the financial aspect … and left! They can be created again at any time.

SHE was and IS! Her wellbeing and harmony come first. I AM is present inside her.

She always enjoyed each and every true love around her.

The love energy of real couples is present I their eyes and small gestures, sources of oxygen … Celebrate among those who radiate love.

‘La Vita e Bella’ beautiful Carla was thinking in admiration of the little diaphanous girl who walked with grace at the start of a new beginning.

Constant change of life and the exquisite Martini Asti champagne were her preferences.

A new beginning can be chosen at any time.

The past can be left behind at any time. The past is history. You can not drink Martini Asti yesterday, but today, now, you can.

Unlimited potentials of the now moment are at our disposal to fulfill the heart’s dreams. And it is possible regardless of age, which is actually a state of spirit and not one of limitation. It is indifferent to cellulite, to weight, financial status, or gender. It is absolutely of no importance if you are American, Australian, African, Brazilian, Indian, Romanian…

by Carmen Meera

"la vita e bella: Carla's story" is a chapter of
my new book " I Am You "

creation inspired by the Divine Sacred Mary through my life on Earth

my brilliant way from think pink to feel pink

the adventure to be You in the Matrix, discovering All It Is

divine copyright *** 2009

"Carla, thank you for forwarding your new writing " I Am You ". . . you are, indeed, an Angelic Human in this earth bringing the depth of your wisdom and the freshness of your Spirit to us all ~"

Sending you much, much love,

Toni Elizabeth Sar'h
Sacred Spaces

the writer of the successful book: "The Call" for Angelic Humans

"there is a call going out. this summons may be for you. the time has come when all those who have incarnated in this plane as Angelic Humans to come forward. you are needed now. the earth calls. humanity beckons."

Barbara With
the inspired writer of the unique divine book :
"Imagining Einstein"
Best Books Award Winner, USA Books News

" Dear the way, I have been meaning to tell you, I read your new blog, your creation, part of "I Am You" book.
You have an amazing grasp of English. It was absolutely beautifully written.

I found nothing to comment on except:
it was beautiful all the way around!

Keep up the excellent work!

"My Goddess,
Your writing is so beautiful and your website shines with YOUR Light!!!! Congratulations. You are on your way!!

With love and respect,

Jonette Crowley is a brilliant writers of awarded book " The Eagle and the Condor/ A true story of an unexpected mystical journey"

Jonette Crowley is such a beautiful MBA Business Lady, Internationally Spiritual Teacher. A Shaman of our days.
Founder of the Center for Creative Consciousness, an organization dedicated to empowering humankind’s spiritual awakening.
Jonette is truly an explorer—both in the inner planes and in her travels around the world. In many ways she is a modern day mystic, with gifts of clairvoyance, healing and the unique ability to create the energetic space so that others can experience their own spiritual truths.

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